Japan-Expert (Bachelor’s degree) program Message from current students to prospective students
Agricultural Science Course
尼 睿陽 NI RUIYANG(中国)
Japan-Expert プログラムは一般の留学生入試とは違って、最初の半年間、集中的に日本語が学べるメリットがあります。この半年間を活用し、有意義な大学生活の基礎を作り上げてください。筑波大学では、自分が興味を持った他学類の授業も履修できます。私は将来iPS細胞について研究をしたいので、生物資源学類の授業の他に、生物学類や化学類、医学類の授業も取っています。筑波大学で勉強する4年間は専門を総合的に学べるので、ぜひJapan-Expert プログラムを受験してください。
Unlike the general entrance examination for international students, the Japan-Expert Program offers the advantage of intensive Japanese language study during the first six months. Please take advantage of these six months to build a foundation for a meaningful university life. At the University of Tsukuba, if you are interested, you can also take classes in other academic departments. I would like to conduct research on iPS cells in the future, so I am taking classes in Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine, in addition to my classes at the College of Agro-Biological Resource Sciences. The four years of study at the University of Tsukuba will allow you to learn comprehensively about your specialty, so I encourage you to apply for the Japan-Expert Program.
張 子晗 ZHANG ZIHAN(中国)
アグロノミスト養成コースに入って、最初の半年間の日本語授業では、書き言葉だけでなく、音声で与えられる情報を正しく理解し、場にふさわしい会話ができるようになります。大学では、日本人と接する機会が多く、互いに話し合い、日本人が持つ価値観や考え方といった日本マインドをしっかり理解できます。Japan-Expert プログラムでは、先生や先輩が勉強面だけでなく、生活面でも助けてくれます。新入生歓迎会や懇親会があり、すごく楽しい時間を過ごしました。ぜひ Japan-Expert プログラムに入ってください。
After joining the Agricultural Science course, the first six months of Japanese language classes will enable you to correctly understand information written or spoken in Japanese and to engage in appropriate conversations for the occasion. In the Japan-Expert Program, professors and seniors will help you not only in your studies but also in your daily life. I had a great time at the welcome party for new students and the other get-togethers. Please join the Japan-Expert Program.
Healthcare Course
リュウ エイキン(中国)
筑波大学に入ると、新しい人生の段階に登ったときと同じで、視野を広げられます。積極的に勉強したり、自分の人生のための高い目標を持って努力したりする学生が多い校風があります。私がJapan-Expertプログラムの学生として筑波大学で生活した2年間では、いろいろな面白い出来事がありました。多彩な大学生活は人生の財宝のようなもので、新しい考え方や知識、人間関係や友達作り、さまざまな財宝が筑波大学にいると手に入れられます ! 努力すれば、自分自身の存在価値を高められます。一緒に頑張りましょう !
Entering the University of Tsukuba is like entering a new stage of life, and it broadens your horizons. The school culture encourages students to actively study and aim high. During the two years that I lived at the University of Tsukuba as a Japan-Expert Program student, I experienced many interesting things. The variety of university life is like a treasure in your life; new ways of thinking, knowledge, relationships, making friends, and many other treasures are available to you when you are at the University of Tsukuba! If you make an effort, you will be able to increase your own value. Let us work hard together!
The decision to enroll in the University of Tsukuba’s Healthcare course was motivated by a strong desire to contribute a unique perspective to the problems faced by Japan’s aging society. Knowing Japanese and acquiring specialized knowledge are essential for future professional development in the medical field, and this course provides an ideal environment for both. The experiences gained, not only in the classroom but also in various aspects of university life, help cultivate the practical skills required in the real world and the ability to think flexibly through international exchanges. These will serve as the foundation for my development into an internationally active healthcare professional who can confidently face the challenges of elder care, both in Japan and internationally. I passionately hope that you will fully enjoy the learning process ahead. Believe in your own potential and secure a bright future.
徐 毓晗 XU YUHAN(中国)
For me, the attraction of the Japan-Expert Program is that I can study courses offered by many colleges and communicate with professors and students from various countries. Since entering the University of Tsukuba, I have not only taken courses in the College of Nursing but also courses offered by other colleges. With the support of professors and classmates in the physical education class, I can now perform back rolls and have completed a full marathon. Regarding foreign languages, I have studied Russian and German. If you can manage your time effectively, I encourage you to consider applying to the Japan-Expert Program.
姚昱辰 YAO YUCHEN(中国)
中国の看護の専門学校2年生のとき、高齢者看護について興味を持ちました。日本は高齢者看護の先進国なので、日本に留学したいと思い、インターネットで筑波大学の Japan-Expert プログラムのことを知りました。ヘルスケアコースでは、日本の看護についての基礎知識を勉強できます。実習は介護施設と医療施設の両方で行います。最新の医療・ケアについて、体験を通した学びの機会があります。高校生の皆さん、自分の興味に合わせて専門を選びましょう!
As a second-year student at a nursing college in China, I became interested in providing nursing care for the elderly. Since Japan is an advanced country in nursing care for the elderly, I wanted to study in Japan and found out about the Japan-Expert Program at the University of Tsukuba through the Internet. In the Healthcare course, students can study the basics of nursing in Japan. Practical training is provided at both nursing-care and medical facilities. Students have the opportunity to learn about the latest in medical and nursing care through hands-on experience. High school students, choose your specialty according to your interests!
李 美霖 LI MEILIN(中国)
Since entering the University of Tsukuba, I have gradually become accustomed to university classes and life. I can decide my future goals and choose the classes I want to take from among the various courses. I can make friends not only with students in the same course but also with students in other courses. The program includes Japanese language classes for international students, which is of great help to me since I am not very good at Japanese. The professors in the classes were all very kind. There are many clubs and club activities at the university, and I hope to enjoy my four years of university life.
王 基巧 WANG JIQIAO(中国)
You will spend the first six months of your healthcare course learning Japanese. To understand the Japanese culture, one must begin by learning the language of the country. Being aware of the terminology commonly used in the healthcare field is necessary for acquiring further healthcare knowledge. Outside of class, I like to participate in various activities with my classmates and professors to improve my communication skills and gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture.
Japanese Art and Design Course
イ ヒョウォン(韓国)
筑波大学は総合大学で、他の美術大学とは違う雰囲気を持っています。留学生や他学群の学生と交流の幅を広げることができます。カリキュラムの面では自由度が高いため、やりたいことがはっきりしている人にも、まだ考えている人にも良い大学だと思います。私自身は、このような点がキャリアを考える上で大きく役立ちました。日本語のレベルが低くても授業を通して十分に補完できるため、「日本」と「芸術」に関心があれば実力を高めることができる良い機会になると思います 。このような環境で勉強したい方はぜひ筑波大学に来てください!
The University of Tsukuba is a comprehensive university and has a different atmosphere from other art universities. You can broaden your perspectives through exchanges with international students and students from other schools. The university has a high degree of freedom in terms of its curriculum, which is good for those who have a clear idea of what they want to do as well as those who are still thinking about it. These aspects greatly helped me think about my career. Even if your level of Japanese is low, it can be well complemented through classes. So, if you are interested in “Japan” and “art,” this is a good opportunity for you to improve your skills. If you want to study in such an environment, please come to the University of Tsukuba!
シー ジャ ジエ(マレーシア)
私はいろいろな日本芸術の表現を身につけたいため、 Japan-Expert プログラムの日本芸術コースを志願しました。日本語能力が足りなくて不安でしたが、日本語を担当している先生たちは親切で優しくて、安心できます。専門の授業を通して、美術に関する知識や専門用語をたくさん勉強できます。いろいろな国の留学生と異文化交流し、友だちになれ、とても嬉しいです。このプログラムに興味を持っている方は、ぜひ来てください。
I applied to the Japan-Expert Program’s Japanese Art and Design Course because I wanted to learn about the various expressions of Japanese art. I was worried that my Japanese language skills were not good enough, but the Japanese language teachers were kind and gentle, and I felt at ease. Through specialized classes, I learned a lot of knowledge and terminology related to art. I am very happy to have cross-cultural exchanges and make friends with international students from various countries. If you are interested in this program, please come and join us.
キム ジン(韓国)
I joined the Japanese Art and Design Course at the University of Tsukuba because I was interested in studying about Japanese art. Originally, I was only interested in illustration, but the University of Tsukuba provides a good environment in which students can take a variety of classes and naturally expand their interests. Moreover, there is a pre-sessional Japanese program for those who are not very good at Japanese; the program’s language classes include report writing and actual conversations and this can help students to keep up with their classes. As people from various countries gather here, the cultural differences are a good source of stimulation. The university is a good environment for those interested in the arts.
Japanese Language Teacher Training Course
Teaching Japanese is not only a job that I want to do; it is my dream. I think that teaching people is enjoyable. I want to teach and communicate, which is why I want to become a teacher. To become a teacher, it is not enough to just study Japanese. One must also study history, culture, literature, and psychology. The most important aspect is the desire to impart knowledge. I am striving to become a full-fledged teacher in the future by acquiring specialized knowledge and practical experience at the University of Tsukuba.
入学してから間もないですが、Japan-Expert プログラムに入ってよかったと思います。日本語・日本文化学類は一つの家族のようで、先輩たちが非常に優しく接してくれます。10月に入学し、半年間は日本語の授業に集中できる点は大きなメリットだと思います。日本語を勉強しながら、専門の授業も履修でき、4月入学よりは時間的な余裕ができます。このプログラムではいろいろな国の友だちも作れ、異文化交流のいいチャンスだと思います。
It has only been a short time since I enrolled in the program, but I am very glad that I joined the Japan-Expert Program. The School of Japanese Language and Culture is like a family, and the seniors are very kind to us. I think it is a big advantage that I can join in October and concentrate on Japanese language classes for six months. I can take specialized classes while studying Japanese, which gives me more spare time than if I had joined in April. I think this program is a great opportunity to interact and make friends with people from many different countries and cultures.
ド ゴック タオ アイン(ベトナム)
Since childhood, I have longed to visit Japan and have always wanted to study abroad. Owing to my keen interest in language and culture and desire to pass on my knowledge acquired through experience and ingenuity, I decided to apply for the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course. The University of Tsukuba offers classes that encourage active learning in a rich natural environment where students can acquire observation and thinking skills. If you want to improve your Japanese language skills as a means of communication and, at the same time, experience many things you cannot get anywhere else, such as Japanese language education rooted in Japanese culture and society, please choose this program.