Graduates’ Voices and Career Progress

Agricultural Science Course

ジヨフジャエフ ジャムフル (ウズベキスタン)


When I was a senior in college, I decided to enter graduate school because I was not satisfied with the knowledge I had gained during my previous college years and wanted to continue my research. Graduate school has fewer classes than undergraduate programs, so I can use my time relatively freely. I used that time to study what I could not fully learn when I was an undergraduate student, and I am continuing my research at graduate school on aquaponics, the technology I studied for my graduation thesis. I started job hunting in my second year of graduate school and received an offer from a company specializing in agricultural development consulting, which is my specialty. After completing graduate school, I would like to contribute to the development of agriculture in developing countries as a technical staff member of that company.

チョウ ブンユ(中国)

大学4年生のときに卒業研究をしていると、幸運にも興味のある研究テーマを見つけましたが、卒業プロジェクトの研究結果には満足できませんでした。 この研究テーマには継続的な研究の価値があると思ったので、ここでやめることはできません。そこで、私は大学院進学を決意しました。タンパク質の翻訳後修飾の1つであるアルギニン残基のメチル化は、近年多くのタンパク質で見つかっており、転写やスプライシングの調節、DNA損傷応答など広範な細胞機能に関わることが知られています。しかし、生体内での機能はほとんど明らかになっていません。そのため、私は、線虫in vivo における Type Ⅲ酵素活性の同定とその生物学的意義の解明をするべく、研究しています。

During my senior year of college, I was fortunate enough to find a research topic that interested me, but I was not satisfied with the results of my graduation project. I couldn’t stop there because I felt that this research topic was worthy of continued study.So I decided to go on to graduate school.Methylation of arginine residues, one of the post-translational modifications of proteins, has recently been found in many proteins and is known to be involved in a wide range of cellular functions, including regulation of transcription and splicing and DNA damage response.However, its function in vivo is largely unknown.Therefore, I am working to identify the Type III enzyme activity in C. elegans in vivo and to elucidate its biological significance.


Healthcare Course

グエン ティ ガー (ベトナム)


During my university years, I had a part-time job as a medical interpreter at the University of Tsukuba Hospital, and before graduation I challenged and passed the medical interpreter exam. To be able to utilize my part-time job experience and the qualifications I acquired, I joined a company in the medical tourism business and work as a medical coordinator for foreign patients. I propose hospitals and attend to patients who want to receive medical services such as treatment and medical checkups in Japan, and I act as a liaison and coordinator between hospitals and patients to ensure smooth acceptance at hospitals. Although the work is hard, I feel it is rewarding and growing because I can meet many hospital doctors and introduce advanced Japanese medical technology to Vietnamese doctors. I would like to continue to challenge myself to contribute to medical care in both countries.

ラック チャンクンティ(カンボジア)

学内の授業や実習を通して日本の医療福祉現場を体験し、ヘルスケア分野についてたくさんのことを学ぶことができました。留学生支援も充実していることから、大学生活はもちろん日本での生活で不安や困ったことがあれば、相談することもできました。大学卒業後も日本で学びたいので、福祉施設で働くことにしました。また、日本の看護師の資格を取得するため、看護学類に再入学しました。現在は、 大学で学んだ日本語やヘルスケア知識を生かしています。チームで仕事をしているので、上司や同僚の指示や助言のもと、話し合いや相談をしながら、入居者様さま一人一人のニーズに合った生活全般のサポートをしています。私は将来母国に戻って、日本の医療福祉の現場で働いた経験と知識を生かし、皆の役に立つ仕事がしたいと思っています。

Through on-campus classes and practical training, I was able to experience the medical and welfare field in Japan and learn a lot about the healthcare field.The school also provides excellent support for international students, so I was able to consult with them if I had any concerns or problems in my university life as well as in my life in Japan.After graduating from university, I wanted to continue my studies in Japan, so I decided to work at a welfare facility.I also re-enrolled in the School of Nursing to obtain a Japanese nursing license.Currently, I am making use of the Japanese language and healthcare knowledge I learned at the university.Working as a team, we provide support for all aspects of daily living that meet the needs of each resident through discussion and consultation under the direction and advice of our supervisors and colleagues.I would like to return to my home country in the future and work for the benefit of others, making use of my experience and knowledge from working in the medical and welfare field in Japan.

Japanese Language Teacher Training Course

グエン レ タオ バン(ベトナム)


After graduating from university, I have been working at Vietnam Japan University in Vietnam. The Vietnam Japan University was founded as a symbol of friendship and unity between Vietnam and Japan, with the cooperation of the University of Tsukuba. The university has professors from top Japanese universities and renowned Vietnamese researchers in various fields, and I work in a multilingual and multicultural environment on a daily basis. I am gradually realizing that the cross-cultural communication skills I acquired in the JE program will be very useful in society after I start working. I am gradually realizing that the intercultural communication skills I acquired in the JE Program are very useful in society. Therefore, for those of you who are currently enrolled in the JE Program or are about to enter the program, I urge you not to miss out on this valuable opportunity and take advantage of it.

ワン ミンウェン(中国)


I am currently working as a sales representative for a general company, utilizing the language and communication skills I developed in the Japanese Language and Culture Department.When I first began my job search, I wanted to work as a bridge between Japan and China, so I joined the company as a sales representative for foreign tourists.However, due to the Corona disaster, inbound demand disappeared, and I am now working mainly in the domestic business, in charge of individual stores such as drugstores.In the course of my sales activities, I make use of the ability to think from the other person’s point of view that I learned during my Japanese language training to listen to the issues that the stores are facing and propose more effective ways to develop the business.Since I was a student, I have had a desire to “tell the world about Japan,” so in the future I would like to use my experience as a sales representative to get involved in international business and spread Japanese products overseas.

リュウ ボセン(中国)


When writing in Japanese, I pay close attention to grammar, the use of honorifics, and the way nuances are presented, but even so, there are many times when it feels unnatural.Then I thought how nice it would be if there was an AI Japanese teacher who could always correct my Japanese mistakes.With this in mind, I decided on “Natural Language Processing” as my graduate school major, and I am currently conducting research on high-level grammar checking and automatic grading of essays using artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing technology.Entering the Japan-Expert Program (JE) has allowed me to accomplish many things I never thought I could.I have learned that a dream, no matter how small, is a dream, and you just have to follow through with it.This is the biggest takeaway from JE.

Japanese Art and Design Course



After graduating from the Japanese Art Course of the University of Tsukuba, I returned to my home country and began to apply what I had learned to the actual creation of my artwork. The concepts I learned from the school and my teachers, the idea of beauty, inspiration from my classmates, and the hardworking Japanese spirit all fed into my future career. Now, I am expanding my furniture design horizons and creating new pieces that combine function and beauty for the real world market. The real world is really different from student life, but I believe that a solid foundation is what allows me to continue to improve myself and create new innovations. Therefore, I am truly grateful to have had the wonderful experience of studying at the University of Tsukuba as an international student.