Japan-Expert Program Off-Campus Training in 2024

In January 2024, we held the Japan-Expert Program Off-Campus Training Program for Academic Year 2024.

A total of 16 participants, including Japan-Expert Program students, senior students, tutors, and faculty members, joined together for this joint off-campus training program,
This was a joint off-campus training program.

We took a bus tour to “Boso no Mura” and “National Museum of Japanese History” in Chiba Prefecture again.
Outside of the school, which is not their usual environment, they were each able to visit exhibits and experience Japanese craftsmanship.
Throughout the day, students were exposed to Japanese history and culture, which was a very valuable experience for them.

“Boso no Mura”

We had an experience of making Magatama. (Necklace)

– Pit dwellings

-Beating the drums in the festival square

-The lunch was at a soba noodle restaurant

-Group photo at Boso no Mura

“National Museum of Japanese History”

-Group photo at National Museum of Japanese History

-Tour of the museum

-Students experiencing the “Rekihaku” temple school

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